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The good wheat bread

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1

Ingredients for The good wheat bread

Possibly 1 serving fordej (+ 1/2 tablespoons salt)
1kgWheat flour-URf.eks. 100 g 300 g durum, spelt and 600 g wheat flour
1 1/2dlYogurt or other sour milk product
5dlLukewarm water

Instructions for The good wheat bread

To prepare the The good wheat bread recipe, please follow these instructions:

Stir yeast into the water. Mix if possible. With bread and stir until the dough is a fountain. Stir the milk and salt (possibly extra salt) and knead thoroughly with flour to a linden dough. Put the dough in an oil-smeared or smoked bowl and cover with a plastic film or a plate that closes close. Do not allow the dough to rise too hot for 2-4 hours.

Eat the dough for two loaves or for buns. Let the loaves / buns raise 2-3 hours before placing them in a 250 degree hot oven (use any stone slab). Turn down to 220 degrees after 10 minutes and behind the balls golden and crisp. The bread must be baked in total approx. 30-35 minutes, the balls approx. 20 minutes. Let the loaves cool on a grid with the bottom in the weather.