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Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Slånbærsaft


Instructions for Slånbærsaft

To prepare the Slånbærsaft recipe, please follow these instructions:

You must wait to pick sloes until they have got frost, someone says you can pick before, and then put the berries in the freezer, but my experience says that it does not conjure up some as well.

The berries are washed and covered with boiling water, atamonpulver, and get cool in 2 days. Then, filtered juice, boil up and add sugar according to taste.

Pour in scalded bottles, or frozen, so it doesn't boil first. Diluted with water when it should be drunk.

You can now cover bærrrene with another helping of boiling water and let it soak in 2 days, it gives a slightly thinner juices, but good enough.