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Shrove buns, easy (Without yeast-gærfri)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 14 pcs

Ingredients for Shrove buns, easy (Without yeast-gærfri)

1Egg yolk
1Egg white
1tbspDark chocolate 44%
1dlWhole milk
125gIcing sugar
250gWheat flour
3tspBaking soda

Instructions for Shrove buns, easy (Without yeast-gærfri)

To prepare the Shrove buns, easy (Without yeast-gærfri) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Flour, baking powder, salt and sugar mix. Fast, cold margarine chop finely and chop in the flour. Egg yolk and milk is stirred together and mix into Dough kneaded well..

Rolled into a sausage, cut into 14 pieces, which rolled to the buns. Put on greased baking sheet and brush with egg white.

Bake in preheated oven at 225 degrees c. alm. oven for about 12 minutes.

If you don't want "bides to bun", decorating with chocolate icing buns.

Chocolate glaze: Grated chocolate, cocoa and water warmed over low heat until everything is evenly. Icing sugar is stirred in until the glaze has a suitable consistency.