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Quince Bread Confections

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Quince Bread Confections

Crystal sugar
PEAR or Apple quinces

Instructions for Quince Bread Confections

To prepare the Quince Bread Confections recipe, please follow these instructions:

PEAR or Apple quinces are washed and cooked all covered by water. The cooked quinces, peeled off, churning houses removed and kvæderne rives now on an iron. Quince mass cooked in approx. 40 min. and stirred regularly in the bog in order to prevent that the burner on. Quince bog spread out on a baking sheet, coated with Queens paper, in a thickness of approx. 2 cm. Plate covered with paper and recommended cool in a few weeks, while Marsh will be stiff. Then you can knock out Quince bread into small pieces, 2 * 3 cm. They turned into crystal sugar and served as confections. NB.: Stored in cans, with tracing between layers.