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Quick Muffins

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 12 pcs

Ingredients for Quick Muffins

Fill after own taste
110gSoft butter
140gWheat flour
2tspBaking soda

Instructions for Quick Muffins

To prepare the Quick Muffins recipe, please follow these instructions:

Start by turning on the oven at 190 ' C (avoid hot air if possible).
Mix all the ingredients together in a food processor (or in a mixer). The dough should only ever collect, it must not be mixed too much as it will be tough and boring! Now add the flavor you want.

URF.eks.:-Lemon (must be from a whole lemon and lemon juice from one half)
-Berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc. Add them frozen or fresh)
-Chocolate & Orange (add approximately 2 tablespoons of cocoa or use 100 g chopped chocolate and some juice and must from appelsinen)
-Apple & Cinnamon (Peel the Apple, cut it into small bite-size pieces and add approximately 1-2 tablespoons cinnamon)
-Pear & Banana (Peel the bulb, cut it into small bite-size pieces, mash 1 banana and came in)
-Lemon & Coconut (same as the lemon, but add 3-5 tbsp.
desiccated coconut)
-etc. ...

Com papirmuffinsforme in a bagemuffinsform (for 12 PCs, available inter alia in IKEA)
Got dough in muffinsformene.

Muffins should be baked in the middle of the oven for 15-17min (to give in when you press them).

Frosting: make a glaze of powdered sugar and water, but make it tough. Add 1-2 tsp. soft butter and stir. Come on muffins when they are cooled.

They are smacked together at 5 min and is quite wonderful, because you can experiment with them!! Is very child-friendly ...;)