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Oregano bread 02

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 pcs

Ingredients for Oregano bread 02

1tbspDried oregano
2tspCoarse salt
350gWheat flour
4cloveCrushed garlic

Instructions for Oregano bread 02

To prepare the Oregano bread 02 recipe, please follow these instructions:

Melt the butter in a pan and add the milk. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the butter-milk. Stir the yeast out. Add the remaining ingrediencer (team a little wheat flour back). Beat the batter well. Tire Bowl with fx. a lid and let dough raise approximately 1 1/2 hour in a warm place.

Take the dough out on a floured and knead it thoroughly (if desired, add the rest of the flour). Roll the dough out (28x40 cm) and place it on a plate with wax paper. RIDs the bread almost through to form cubes (4 x 4 cm), and let it raise approximately 45 min.

Brush the bread with egg and sprinkle oregano over. Behind it about 20 mins. in ovenen at 225 degrees.