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Morten and Peters ribs sandwich

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 0

Ingredients for Morten and Peters ribs sandwich

1Burger bun with sesame seeds
10Drops of tabasco
2tbspSalad mayonnaise
2Slices of warm roast pork
2tbspPickled red cabbage
4Sliced pickled cucumber

Instructions for Morten and Peters ribs sandwich

To prepare the Morten and Peters ribs sandwich recipe, please follow these instructions:

Fold the ball and gently shake it on both sides. Grease salami mayonnaise on both sides. Put the red cabbage on the bottom bowl, on the ribs. Dip Tabasco on ribs. Spread the pickled cucumber slices over the steps, sprinkle with salt and freshly squeezed pepper and finally put the bowl on top of it all and squeeze the sandwich a little so that the different parts are fused into a perfect symphony.

Enjoyed with an ice cold Cocio.