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Marican bread

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 3 pcs

Ingredients for Marican bread

1tbspSesame and aniseed
250gWholemeal wheat flour
4dlLukewarm water
750gWheat flour

Instructions for Marican bread

To prepare the Marican bread recipe, please follow these instructions:

Sift the wheat flour into a bowl or directly onto a clean table top. Add whole wheat flour, salt and yeast dissolved in a little lukewarm water. Add more lukewarm water until the dough gets stuck and knead it well with sesame seeds and anise.

Pour the dough through the fists and add more water if it gets too firm.

Form three loaves of dough. Eel each of them to a large bowl and use the palm to shape them round.

The bread should be about 2 cm. Thick, while the diameter may vary.

Cover the loaves and let them rise in a warm place. They should raise to double size, or like for 1 - 1½ hours.

Gently push the dough with your finger. The fingers disappear slowly if the loaves are ready.

Beat in the breads with a fork 3-4 places and behind them at approx. 200 ° for 30 minutes.