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Havregrøds buns

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 32 pcs

Ingredients for Havregrøds buns

180gWholemeal wheat flour
60gOatmeal, finvalsede
925gWheat flour

Instructions for Havregrøds buns

To prepare the Havregrøds buns recipe, please follow these instructions:

Water oatmeal and salt boil for approx. 2 min. to oatmeal. The porridge cools.

The milk and the yeast is mixed lunes herein. Oatmeal, oil, sugar, whole grain wheat flour and wheat flour is added. Keep a bit of wheat flour left.

The dough covered with a tea towel and forhæver in about 30 mins.

The dough is kneaded well through and divided into 32 servings, which is shaped into buns.

Dough balls placed on a baking tray with baking paper and after raising covered in about 30 mins.

Buns brushed with milk and bake in a preheated for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees c. alm. oven on the next-lower ovnrille.