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Foamfishes 05

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 many

Ingredients for Foamfishes 05

10Leaf husblads
120gEgg white (pastoriseret)
4dropsPeppermint oil

Instructions for Foamfishes 05

To prepare the Foamfishes 05 recipe, please follow these instructions:

Start me soaked in plenty of cold water. Sugar and water are boiled together until the sugar is melted. Egg whites are whipped very stiff and the boiling sugar stock is added to the rigid whites in thin rays while the hand mixer is running full screw! The peppermint drops are added and the soaked leaf leaves come in individually and melt in the hot mass. Pour on baking paper and cool completely. Can now be cut or cut into suitable pieces that are turned in floral so that it does not stick together. Peppermint oil can be replaced by other oils according to taste.