Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook
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Fishermen All-Time

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6 person(s)

Ingredients for Fishermen All-Time

1Tad sugar
200gLightly smoked bacon
3dlWhipped cream
6Plaice fillets

Instructions for Fishermen All-Time

To prepare the Fishermen All-Time recipe, please follow these instructions:

Bacon cut into tiny tern and shake in a saucepan over fairly low heat until the cubes are golden (about 1/2 hour). The onions are cut into thin slices and blades in the bacon nuts and it all spins for another half an hour.
The cleaned mushrooms are cut into slices and shaken in butter on the forehead before pouring into the pan. Now add whipped cream, curry and a little sugar.
The whole spinning until the sauce is smooth and thick.
Fish fillets are roasted and the sauce is brought together.

Served on rye bread and possibly. With banana strips to