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Easy and delicious apple cake

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 8 portion(s)

Ingredients for Easy and delicious apple cake

125gMagarine/butter (cold)
150gWheat flour
5dlCream for serving

Instructions for Easy and delicious apple cake

To prepare the Easy and delicious apple cake recipe, please follow these instructions:

The oven turns on at 200 degrees.

The 5 apples skraldes (and core are cut away) and the Apple cut into cubes. The cold magarine and friable fine flour and sugar in a bowl. Put the apples in a greased casserole dish and sprinkle some vaniliesukker over them. now Pour the crumbled mass over the apples so that it covers.

Bake at 200 degrees for 35 minutes.

Serve with whipped cream