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Cookies with chocolate caramel and white chocolate

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 fire færdig

Ingredients for Cookies with chocolate caramel and white chocolate

a littleMilk
1canCondensed milk cocoa
300gWheat flour
45gWhite gold ingot with crunch

Instructions for Cookies with chocolate caramel and white chocolate

To prepare the Cookies with chocolate caramel and white chocolate recipe, please follow these instructions:

DEJ: Melt the butter in a saucepan.
Pour wheat flour and sugar into a bowl.
Pour the melted butter into the bowl and knead the dough together.
Add a little water until the dough is firm and can be rolled out.
Roll out the dough and cut 8 round biscuits.
Pour them in a 200 degree hot oven (regular oven) for 20 minutes.
Let them cool off.

FYLD: Place the can of condensed cocoa milk in a saucepan, cover the can with water and put the pot on the pot.
Cook the can for 3 hours.
Look at it every half hour and pour more water in if it has evaporated too much.
Let the canister cool, open it and pour the caramelized cocoa milk into a bowl and stir it quickly.
Fill a nice sweet chocolate caramel on four of the biscuits.
Tear the white chocolate fine and sprinkle a good layer on top of the caramel.
Place the four only biscuits upstairs.