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Chocolate Calzone (Calzone Sorpressa)

Desserts (warm)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 5 portion(s)

Ingredients for Chocolate Calzone (Calzone Sorpressa)

Corn flour
a littleSugar
1tbspOlive oil
2.5dlLukewarm water
200gChocolate cream or slightly bitter
25gYeast or 6 g. Active dry yeast
25gMelted butter
275gCream cheese
350gHard wheat flour
65gCandied citrus peel
65gRoasted Hazelnuts

Instructions for Chocolate Calzone (Calzone Sorpressa)

To prepare the Chocolate Calzone (Calzone Sorpressa) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Udrør the fresh yeast in the lukewarm water (35 degrees C) dry yeast is added together with the flour.

Stir in oil and salt into flour and stir in a little at a time, so much dough can absorb. Gather dough into a ball, place it on a meldrysset surface and knead it in 12-15 minutes until it is glossy and smooth.

Put the dough in a greased Bowl and turn the dejkuglen oil so that it is completely covered in oil. Tire Bowl with plastic film and set the dough to uplift a warm place for 1 ½-2 hours, for it has been given twice the size.

Low filling while dough raises: flødeosten Came in a bowl. Chop the chocolate and nuts into small pieces and add to the Bowl along with the candied citrus peel. Mix everything well.

Share the finished dough into 5 equal portions and deploy each portion to an 18 cm circle. Put one fifth of the cream mixture on one half of each dejcirkel. Moisture examined the edges with water and fold them into half-circles. Squeeze the edges well.

Put the prepared calzoni on baking sheets sprinkled lightly with cornmeal. Brush them with melted butter and sprinkle them with a little sugar. Behind the five calzoni in a preheated oven at 240 degrees C for 15 minutes, until crisp and golden. Take them out of the oven and let them cool slightly and serve.