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CHOCOLATE CAKE really yummy and easy to make

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 8

Ingredients for CHOCOLATE CAKE really yummy and easy to make

optionalVanilla sugar
100gWheat flour
200gDark chocolate 44%

Instructions for CHOCOLATE CAKE really yummy and easy to make

To prepare the CHOCOLATE CAKE really yummy and easy to make recipe, please follow these instructions:

butter and chocolate is melted in a water bath (or microwave) eggs, sugar and flour, mix well and pour in the chocolate mass.

Pour in greased meldrysset form and bake at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for ½ hour (no longer, the cake should be moist and soft on the inside.)

a really good dessert cake if one servers the lukewarm with a bullet vanilla ice cream ... but can be eaten around the clock.