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Adams fruit cake

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 12 slices

Ingredients for Adams fruit cake

1Egg yolk
125gWheat flour
2tbspVanilla sugar
3Egg whites

Instructions for Adams fruit cake

To prepare the Adams fruit cake recipe, please follow these instructions:

Cut the fruits out and blend them.

Whip the eggs to the skimmer well. Add sugar and stir well. Turn the flour and vanilla in. mix the fruit in dough.

Pour into a 1.4 l. shape, and bake at 160 degrees c. alm. oven for approx. 80 min. on the lower Groove. (Connector possibly in the cake with a fork when the release is cake baked)

Let the cake turn off in about 5 min before it flips out on a wire rack.

The cake must be completely cold before it cut out.

0.5 g fat in a slice, at 12 slices