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Recipes with Pork neck chops

Mains A little margarine (for Browning of koteletterne) Cream 38% Broccoli (or cauliflower) ...

The chops are light brown on the forehead of the margarine. Broccoli is divided into bouquets and boiled for 3-4 minutes. Put the chops in an ovenproof dish. The sauce is made on the forehead of the margarine and the cream. When the cream is very hot pour the

Mains Margarine (for Browning of koteletterne) Broccoli (or cauliflower) Small package grated mozarella cheese ...

Koteletterne brunes bright on the forehead in the margarine. Broccolien divided into florets and boil in 3-4 min. Koteletterne added in a baking dish. the sauce is made from the forehead of the margarine and cream. When the cream is very hot so the sauce thick