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Recipes with Lamb fillet

Mains Brown Cloud White pepper Salt ...

The fillets are browned, cooled. The fillets are lubricated with the lamb frog. The vegetables are blanched and cooled in cold water. Place the fillets on a greased plate, squeeze the green mixture into the dough, fry the oven at 150 degrees for about 15 minut

Mains Pepper Salt Oak leaf lettuce ...

Tomato concassé: remove the stems from the tomatoes with a small knife. Came the tomatoes in boiling water for about 30 games sec. and then in cold water. Now can the skin easily removed. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and remove the seeds out. Chop the tomato

Mains Freshly ground pepper Sea salt A little splash of balsamic vinegar ...

Roast lamb on a dry, non-stick pan with a little liquid when it bites into the bottom. Fry the following manual on the description and let it drag under foil and Tea towel and cut it into thin slices by serving. For the sauce be complied with the chopped shall

Mains Cayenne pepper Olive oil Salt ...

Homemade döner kebab: Low first marinade to marinate the meat. Grate the onions. mix salt pepper olive oil and løgmixen together in a bowl and place the lamb slices into the mixture and place in refrigerator for 24 hours. The marinated lamb pieces finished

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Oil for brushing Salt ...

Garlic, shallots, crushed coriander, cumin, allspice, oregano, 2 tbsp. of lemon juice, olive oil, pure, and salt and pepper in a blender or small food processor and blend to a thick puree. Pureen scratch out in a large bowl. Plaster lamb meat and cut it int