Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Dark or light chocolate

Cakes in form Walnuts or whipped cream Cream Vanilla sugar ...

Scratch. Cut the biscuits into a large bowl, wrap the nuts on a pan for about 5 minutes, by medium heat, and then bring the nuts into the bowl. Bring sugar and cocoa into a saucepan, add the lukewarm water a little at a time, stirring. Once dissolved, put t

Desserts (cold) Dark or light chocolate Icing sugar Pasteurized egg yolks ...

Whip eggs and formula ice cream together. Whip the cream to whipped cream in another bowl. Chop the chocolate and mix it with the whipped cream. Mix it all and put it in plastic cups and freezer in min. 6 hours.

Desserts (cold) Cream fine 19% Cream fraice cheasy Kokusmel ...

Beat the egg whites until stiff. Mix in sugar gradually and beat well. Chop the chocolate well and turn it and kokusmelet in egg mixture. Find a dish like the cake to be served for about 20 x 30 cm. Take a piece of wax paper and set the dish on and sign

Desserts (cold) Etc Pineapple Banana ...

Cut the fruit into cubes. Melt the chocolate. Put the ice cream on a plate and place the fruit over. Pour the melted chocolate over. You can also serving-serve it. Tips: All fruits can be used. It is an easy and quick, delicious dessert!

Candy Small muffin molds Dark or light chocolate Crunch (frosties or oats MVD depending on taste!) ...

Melt the chocolate over a water bath (Put the chocolate into a bowl, then take a pan and pour the water into the Bowl Set into the water. and turn on the heat.) While the chocolate is melting knusses knassen. When the chocolate is melted is poured in, knassen

Candy Water Dark or light chocolate Sugar ...

Cut the yellow to be thin by the oranges with kartoffelskrælleren or a sharp knife. The white membranes must be cut off. Shell cut into 3-5 mm. wide strips. Put Orange strips in boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and drain. Repeat boiling 2 times more and drai

Candy Almonds Dark or light chocolate Butter or margarine ...

Cut the tonsils in narrow strips lengthwise and grate them light brown in butter in frying pan. Let the almonds on paper towel afdryppe paper. Melt the chocolate and mix most almonds in. Let chocolate cool slightly, so that the mass is semi-rigid and place it