Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Colmans mustard powder

Pickling Pepper Leaf celery Red pepper ...

Celery and beans cut into small slices, carrots and peppers cut into small cubes, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper and horseradish is cooked together. Vegetables cooked almost tender in vinegar mixture at 20-25 minutes and the last 10 min. Cook the vegetables with

Mains Colmans mustard powder Daggammelt French bread A little more butter ...

4 poussiner clipped along the backbones of, turn over and pressed flat. Set of 2 skewers through the length and breadth, so they keep their shape. Put them in the saucepan. Approx. 200 g soft butter is stirred with Worcester sauce, a little tabasco and Colmans