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Recipes with Cauliflower water

Mains Paprika Horseradish Salt ...

Remove the leaves from the cabbage and divide it into bouquets. Boil the cauliflower in lets salted water. Pour the cabbage and place it in an ovenproof dish. For the sauce melt the fat into a saucepan and bake with flour and cauliflower to a thick sauce. A

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

The fathers are stirred together with salt, pepper, onions, oatmeal and milk. Draws 10-15 minutes in the refrigerator. The potatoes are boiled in leachate water. Cauliflower boil until it is tender, approx. 12-14 min. Take up and keep warm. Butter and flour ar

Mains Sausages Salt Tomato puree ...

Cauliflower heads subordinated and shared each in 4 PCs. added in a saucepan and cover with water, sprinkled with a little salt. The Pan is brought to a boil and is switched off when the water is at a boil. set the Pan aside and let Cook for about 10 min fini