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Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Taralli

1000gFlour 00
2.5dlOlive oil
3dlDry white wine

Instructions for Taralli

To prepare the Taralli recipe, please follow these instructions:

Work flour, wine, oil and salt well together for a elastic and homogeneous dough. Let it rest covered approx. 20 minutes not too cold.

A large pot of water is boiled and 1 tbsp. Salt is added.

Roll the portion to thin sausages 1 cm thick cut into 8-10 cm pieces that form into rings that are squeezed together. Put about 10 of the boiling water when they reach the surface, they are picked up with a cavity and dripping on a cloth for a couple of minutes.

The debris is placed on a greased plate or on baking paper. Place in the oven at 200 degrees and behind taralli approx. 40 minutes until they are golden.

They can be seasoned with fennel seeds, sesame, chilipeber, oregano or dried onion 5-6 g, will be enough for 1 kg of dough.