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Stuffed plaice Roulades

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Stuffed plaice Roulades

Whipped cream
1Lemon juice thereof
2dlWhite wine (the amount is determined by the size of the pandens)
250gFish father-is the homemade, it must not be too serious
250gHalved the butter roasted mushrooms
500gPlaice fillets

Instructions for Stuffed plaice Roulades

To prepare the Stuffed plaice Roulades recipe, please follow these instructions:

Rinse the fillets in running water. Butter/put fiskefarsen on, and roll the fish together. Start by rolling the fish from tail. Team possibly. fish rollers together with toothpicks.

Set of rollers close together in a frying pan, sprinkle with the butter roasted mushrooms, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Put butter, pour white wine in the blobs on the bottom, cover the pan with a lid, and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Make a sauce of the cloud from the Pan, and serve the Court with small potatoes and stewed spinach.