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Soy agar agar pudding with fruits (low-fat)

Desserts (cold)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Soy agar agar pudding with fruits (low-fat)

1pinchSea salt
12tbspHoney or rismalt
150gDates, cut in half
150gStrawberry, cut into quarters
150gOrganic apples, cut into very thin both
2tbspAgar agar
300gOrganic honeydew melon, cut in thin slices
6dlBonsoy naturel

Instructions for Soy agar agar pudding with fruits (low-fat)

To prepare the Soy agar agar pudding with fruits (low-fat) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Advantage rewards in 4 dessert bowls

Whip water, soy milk, agar agar, nigari sea salt, and honey together in a saucepan.

Boil the liquid 2-3 minutes constantly whipping to the begin to gather themselves.

The floating ' pudding ' advantage in the four bowls. It should go quickly so that it does not reach to solidify.

Style bowls 2-3 hours in the refrigerator until pudding is solidified.