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Sauce Bolognese

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6 portion(s)

Ingredients for Sauce Bolognese

Balsamic vinegar
A delicious olive oil
1Carrot grated
1dlStrong beef powder for touch and taste (calf) are shuffled to the Fund after manual
1Large zittauer onion
1-2dlDry red wine
2stemsPale celery fine cut
2canPeeled tomatoes or 10 fresh (without skins)
500gMinced beef

Instructions for Sauce Bolognese

To prepare the Sauce Bolognese recipe, please follow these instructions:

Sauté onions and garlic in plentiful oil-it must not take color.
Add the minced meat and sauté until meat is browned throughout. Add the red wine and turn down the heat. When red wine is sprittet of the added Fund and slightly balsamic vinegar and vegetables added. Spiced with pepper and a sprinkle of paprika-and finally-Sprinkle a tablespoon. dried oregano over before place the lid on. The sauce should just stand at low heat, remember to add more Fund if the cooker too much into.

Tomatoes are added as the last. Which boils up season with salt, and it's all some gruel is in about 10 mins, before add 10-12 leaves fresh chopped Basil.

Tip: try to put it over before dinner, so the sheep 5-6 hours-it is simply awesome ...:-) Be careful with balsamicoen, as it is a powerful cousin-but it does things by the taste .... Buon appetito