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Roasted chicken

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6 portion(s)

Ingredients for Roasted chicken

1tspSanta maria herb mix
1200gSkins and fat free chicken pieces
15gMelted margarine
2Letpiskede egg whites
2.5dlWheat flour
2.5dlPlain yogurt

Instructions for Roasted chicken

To prepare the Roasted chicken recipe, please follow these instructions:

Heat oven to 210 degrees. Mix bread crumbs and spices in a bag, and shake them well. Mix egg whites and yoghurt. Roll the chicken pieces first in flour, then in yoghurt-the egg whites and finally in bread crumbs mixture so that they are completely covered. Put wax paper on a baking sheet and place the chicken pieces on. Drizzle them with a little margarine and fry them in 35-40 min. to the has been fried and crispy.