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Rabarbertearte - the easiest and best

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1

Ingredients for Rabarbertearte - the easiest and best

1tbspCorn flour
1tbspVanilla sugar
250gWheat flour

Instructions for Rabarbertearte - the easiest and best

To prepare the Rabarbertearte - the easiest and best recipe, please follow these instructions:

The margarine is crumbled in the flour and the water is added. Mix well and put in the fridge for approx. 1 hour.

The rhubarbs are cut into small pieces and mixed with sugar, vanilla sugar and Maizena.

2/3 part of the dough is rolled out between two pieces of baking paper. A pie dish is coated with dough and baked for approx. 10 min. At 200 degrees.

The rhubarb stock is distributed in the form. The rest of the dough is thrown into strips and placed over the filling like a storm casket.

The pie is baked at 200 degrees for approx. 20 minutes until the dough is golden.

Served lukewarm - or cold - with eg. Vanilla ice cream, creme fraiche or whipped cream.