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Old fashioned roast pork (simple)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Old fashioned roast pork (simple)

1000gRoast pork
5dlMilk to sauce, if desired

Instructions for Old fashioned roast pork (simple)

To prepare the Old fashioned roast pork (simple) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Ask the butcher score ribbenstegen.

Place the roast in a heat-proof dish who put in 250 degrees c. alm. oven. Let the roast Brown 20-25 minutes.

Reduce heat to 170 degrees c. alm. oven and pour the water in, let the meat Cook another 1 ½-2 hours.

If the main course is served Roast with gravy made from the cloud from the refractory dish.

Pour the cloud in a pan and add ½ l milk. Let Cook together while stirring. Low meljævning of 2 dl. water and 3 tablespoons flour.
Smooth gravy, add colour, flavour with salt and pepper.

If the dish is served white and tanned skins of potatoes and red cabbage.

Also suitable on rye bread with red cabbage gravy and an orange slice.