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Norwegian waffles

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 10

Ingredients for Norwegian waffles

150gWheat flour
4dlCheasy cream 9%

Instructions for Norwegian waffles

To prepare the Norwegian waffles recipe, please follow these instructions:

Melt the butter and cool it a little before it whipped together with flour, cold water and salt to a smooth dough. Turn sour in the fraichen.

Bake in waffle iron on low heat. In General iron 2-3 minutes on each side. In an electric iron in 1/2 -2 minutes.

If the waffle iron has not been in use for a longer period of time, it should be brushed with melted butter, a little before the first waffles bake.

Vaflerne is served with jam. Lingonberry and cloudberry, if we can get them, is especially good.