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Mints-Mint pastilles

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 40 pcs

Ingredients for Mints-Mint pastilles

0.25tspÄttik alcohol
4dlIcing sugar
5-7dropsPeppermint oil
75gDark chocolate block

Instructions for Mints-Mint pastilles

To prepare the Mints-Mint pastilles recipe, please follow these instructions:

Boil powdered sugar with the water and ättikspriten in a saucepan to lagen consists trådprøven. It takes approximately 10 minutes. (Trådprøve: take a little syrup between two spoons. Drag skeerne from each other. Sheeting shall threads.)

Pour the sugar in a bowl and let the brine had cooled. Season to taste with peppermint oil and work the mass with a fork to it will be smooth and quite fast. Style the bowl over a saucepan of boiling water and stir to cool and viscous mass is. Put small drops of the mass with a teaspoon on a greased paper and let the pellets solidify smørrebrød.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath and put a kklat on each Pellet, as garnish. Let the chocolate had cooled before serving.