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Irish Brown Bread

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 units

Ingredients for Irish Brown Bread

Brown sesame seeds as a sprinkle but can be omitted
1.5tspBicarbonate of soda
250gWhole wheat flour or wholemeal wheat flour
250gWheat flour

Instructions for Irish Brown Bread

To prepare the Irish Brown Bread recipe, please follow these instructions:

Make sure the oven is heated before the bread mixes as it is in the oven immediately.
The bread should not be kneaded. Mix all ingredients quickly together, close to sesame seeds.
Grease a small French breadcrumb with oil and pour approx. ½ dl. Sesame seeds in and shake them around to all sides of the mold covered. Then pour the dough into and sprinkle with flour or sesame seeds.

Bake 45 min. At 200 degrees. Test if the bread sounds hollow when knocked on it.

Sometimes I add an egg that will make the bread slightly more airy, but then remember a little less buttermilk or a little more flour so the dough does not get too wet. You can not use a shape, but then you need more grahamsmel in the dough so that it does not flow into the oven. Only suggestions: The bread is really delicious for marinated herring. Roasted and with smoked salmon and avocado beneath. Smoked mackerel.