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Gråsten winner cake

Desserts (patisserie)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 5

Ingredients for Gråsten winner cake

Unsweetened Moss of 800 g apples
100gSoft butter
125gWheat flour
2.5dlWhipped cream
3tspBaking soda
4Egg whites

Instructions for Gråsten winner cake

To prepare the Gråsten winner cake recipe, please follow these instructions:

Sprinkle the eggs into plums and whistle with egg yolks and sugar well together. Mix with butter and milk. Mix flour and baking powder well and stir in the dough.
meringue. Whip the whites very stiff. Whip 2/3 of the sugar slowly in. Turn the rest in.
Spread the dough into two layers of cake and put the meringue on the mash. Both are baked at 170 degrees 40-45 minutes at the same time.
Put one cake bottom with marengsen down apple sauce. Put the other with meringue upwards. Decorate with whipped cream.