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Fine meatloaf

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6

Ingredients for Fine meatloaf

Butter BLOBs
1000gMinced beef
1-2cloveCrushed garlic (may be omitted)
1-2Red or yellow peppers
2Egg whites
2Green peppers
2dlTomato puree
3tbspMinced parsley

Instructions for Fine meatloaf

To prepare the Fine meatloaf recipe, please follow these instructions:

Stir in the minced meat with egg whites and bread crumbs and stir broth in. mix the finely chopped peppers and add to the forcemeat. Sauté the coarsely chopped mushrooms briefly in oil. Let them cool a little before they also mix in crushed garlic cloves season with., salt and pepper. Form forcemeat for a loaf of bread, and communicated in a greased casserole dish. Came over and pour a little dabs butter broth mixed with tomato puree in the dish. Set the dish in the oven at 175 degrees for about 45 minutes. Dripping by and for father's bread with væden from the dish. Set baking potatoes in the oven at the same time, so have the accessory ready when the right is finished.