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Fastelavnboller X

Desserts (patisserie)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 30 pcs

Ingredients for Fastelavnboller X

Whipped cream and cake cream or
Powdered sugar or cocoa glaze
Strawberry rhubarb cream/cream
500gIce-cold butter for deployment
700gWheat flour

Instructions for Fastelavnboller X

To prepare the Fastelavnboller X recipe, please follow these instructions:

Dissolve yeast in water. Add the other ingredients and knead the dough smoothly for about 3-4 minutes.

Form the dough into a large thick square. Bank the 500 grams butter square and flat with your hands and put it in the middle of the dough. The 4 sides of the dough are closed around the butter so that it is wrapped in. Pour dough and wrapped butter to 6-8 mm thick. The dough must be oblong.

A 1/3 of the dough is folded over a 1/3 of the center. The 1/3 of the dough that is not folded yet is laid over the folded 2/3.

The dough is rolled out again to 6-8 mm. Thickness and fold as before. This process is done again. The dough must be folded and rolled out three times in total. Important: If the dough is too tight to roll, it may need to rest for 5 minutes in the refrigerator after each roll-out. Put the dough in the refrigerator 20 minutes. Then roll it out to 3-4 mm thickness.

Cut the dough into squares 10x10. The 4 corners of each square fold up to each other. They are turned on the head and placed on baking sheet coated with baking paper. The balls are very hot for about 2 hours.

The balls are baked 12-13 minutes at 210 degrees.

When the balls are completely cooled, they are cut or cut over. They are filled with cake cream and whipped cream and decorated with cocoa glaze and flour.