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Deep-fried ananasis

Desserts (cold)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Deep-fried ananasis

10dlVanilla ice cream
100gWheat flour
150gDry white bread crumbs
2tbspDesiccated coconut

Instructions for Deep-fried ananasis

To prepare the Deep-fried ananasis recipe, please follow these instructions:

Peel and slice the 4 rings and ananassen remove the middle part, so there is a hole in the rest of the meat to the. Blend pure and mix it with vanilieisen, low 4 large balls and place them in the freezer. Mix the flour and eggs with about 1-1.5 dl water into a thick dough. Dip the first iskuglerne down in the batter then the coconut and bread crumbs. Style them back in the freezer for as long as possible, preferably overnight. Came the sugar in a small saucepan and let it karamellisere when it is golden, add button 1 dl. water. Let it melt together and got it over the ananasringene and leave it in a glass bowl covered with film until chilled. all of this can be made the day before and then take the rest only 2 min. heat the oil up to about 180 degrees and iskuglen came in, in some seconds to the crust is golden.

take a slice of pineapple and a ball of ice in the middle and pour some of the caramel sauce from ananassen over the ice. Serve with a same!