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Chocolate milkshake (III)

Drinks (cold)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 glas

Ingredients for Chocolate milkshake (III)

And possibly. a packet of chocolate which is chopped into small pieces and the shipment will be on top of
Vanilla ice cream

Instructions for Chocolate milkshake (III)

To prepare the Chocolate milkshake (III) recipe, please follow these instructions:

First you take a bowl, above, is the ice in, and then pours you cacaoen, i. So you it whips up/blender it. So you add sugar and milk, whipping/blender it again, for it is whipped right through. Pour the now in glass, and pour the chocolate on (you will see the addition of chocolate)!

Suggestions: Server milkshaken in tall glass, and pour the chocolate on top. -Low preferably much;-).