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Berliner boller

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1

Ingredients for Berliner boller

Thick jam
0.5Lemon shell thereof
1Liqueur glass of rum
250gCoconut oil (or bland lard)
500gWheat flour

Instructions for Berliner boller

To prepare the Berliner boller recipe, please follow these instructions:

Dissolve the yeast in the milk, whisk the eggs together lunede and stir them above i. Came salt, sugar, grated lemon rind and rum in it sifted flour and mix it with a uniform dough. Style it to uplift in a warm place about 20 minutes. Work the dough back together again and roll it out on a lightly floured board to a about 1 ½-2 cm thick plate. Poke the dough into circles with a glass. Place a teaspoon of jam on half of the dejcirklerne and put the remaining over. Make sure that the batter cover Finally, the jam completely. Style dough balls to the uplift of approximately 20 mintter again. Warm up in a thick-bottomed pan, Fryer when it Sizzles on a stick is the best fit. Friter Berliners golden brown in the scorching fat on both hemispheres-only a few pieces at a time. Take them up with a skimmer and let them drain on absorbent paper, grease and roll them in sugar.