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Avocado cream soup

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Avocado cream soup

White pepper
½lChicken stock (or water and the cube)
1tbspLemon juice
1dlDry white wine
1dlPlain yogurt
2Ripe avocados

Instructions for Avocado cream soup

To prepare the Avocado cream soup recipe, please follow these instructions:

Hot water and broth up to boiling point

Share avocados take the stones out arrow peal of cut 4 neat slices for garnish

Came the rest of the avocado flesh in a blender along with cream, yogurt, white wine, lemon juice

Add this pure in the soup, warm up may not cook to taste with salt and pepper

Lay avocado slices in each tall. and pour the soup over. Serve immediately

The soup can be served cold