Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Thyme sprig

Sides Peppercorn Carrot Garlic ...

The carrot, the onion and the celery rod are chopped and mixed with the other ingredients. Fish must have 5 hours in the marinade - Chicken or Kalkunkød 12 hours. Leave the mariner in the fridge and use the marinade for any. sauce.

Sides Carrot Garlic Bay leaf ...

Cut the vegetables into the tern and heat them for 5 minutes at low heat. Then add the other ingredients and boil for about 15 minutes. The meat to be marinated is placed in a bowl that is not attacked by the acid in the marinade. The best result is achieve

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Peel and clean the vegetables, cut them into rough pieces. Peel the garlic cloves. Saute the vegetables together with garlic cloves in a little oil. Put them in a fireproof dish. Lay the lid over. Kalvetykstegen browns on all sides in a little oil, seaso

Mains Butter Water Celery ...

Fund: Clean the pheasants for any. Remnants of ingots and feathers. Cut them out in thighs, back and chest pieces. Brown thighs and back in a pan with 2 onions in a quarter, 1 carrot, ¼ celery in tern and parsley stalk. When the onions have taken color pour w

Sides Carrots and squach minced Oil Pepper ...

Pour the water from the beans and put them in fresh water, with garlic, porridge, laurel and thyme. Put the lid on the pan and cook more for approx. 30 minutes. Bring 1 tablespoon salt and let them finish in the water for approx. 5 minutes. Clean the veget

Appetizers Cherry tomatoes Coarse salt Small shallots ...

Divide the peppers and remove the kernels. Fill the half-pepper with cherry tomatoes and small, chopped mustard cloves. Chop the garlic and dry it with the thyme. Sprinkle the oil over and sprinkle with coarse salt. Pour the peppers in a 200 degree hot oven

Mains Lemon juice Milk Melbolle ...

The meat is covered with water, boiled and frothed. Add salt, peppercorns, vegetables and herbs. Simmer under low approx. 2 hours. The meat is taken up and the sauce is cooked: Some of the stuffed soup is boiled a little and boiled with either cooking crea

Sides Carrot Garlic Bay leaf ...

Cut the vegetables into cubes and fry them for 5 minutes at low heat. Add the remaining ingredients and cook in for about 15 minutes. The meat must be marinated to be laid in a bowl which is not attacked by the acid in the marinade. The best result is achieved