Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Santa maria parsley

Mains Santa maria parsley Smoked streaky bacon sliced Oscar cauliflower base ...

Roast the slices in flour and FRY crisp flips and then added in a dish. Sauté the onions and put pork slices. The sauce is prepared from water, milk and Oscar Cauliflower Base which is poured over the battle it out. Let it all småsimre 10-15 my.

Mains Salt Santa maria allspice ground Santa maria Carnation encountered ...

Snysk: Bring the water to a boil. Carrots and beans cooked with in 5 min then add kartof-Les and it boils further in 10 min. Milk added with Oscar Light Base. The right kogens through the stirring. The peas be reversed in court, season with salt and black pepp

Mains A little cream Water Minced beef ...

The steaks are shaped, FRY and kept warm. Sauté onions in fat until light brown. Add the potato and pork cubes. It's all Brown well. Then add and mix the hard-boiled eggs, accompaniments by steak with a sprinkle of parsley. Oscar Brown Sauce is cooked and inst