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Recipes with Mini Turkey

Mains Father of 1 large fillet Pepper Salt ...

Mal kalkunens kødmaskinen or click through the giblets coarsely. It can also be ground in a blender. Came the kødfarsen and fill in the forcemeat in the cleaned Turkey. Rub it with salt. Place it in the gennemfugtede roaster. The Turkey should roast about 2 ½

Mains Turkey liver Pepper Salt ...

Boil the chestnuts, then they can tamper-proof. Cut them into small pieces and mix them with playing petty lives. Make a father of chestnuts, liver, eggs, veal, whiskey and spices. It came in the cleaned Turkey. Rub the Turkey with salt and place it in the out

Mains Apples Pepper Salt ...

The Turkey cleaned, rubbed inside and outside with salt and pepper. Diced apples, small butter cubes and prunes filled into the Turkey. The Turkey placed in a greased baking pan, small cubes of fat is added on top. White wine and cream mixed and poured by.