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Recipes with Kakopulver

Cookies Coconut Ready made coffee Havergryn ...

Make 1 cup of coffee without sugar (Use only 1-2pcs of it) The havergrynen has a trip in the blender to make it nice Everything is mixed up and put in my fridge. 2 hours or until the dough gets tough Finally, they are shaped and tortured with coconut

Mains 2 dl. fromage frais Pepper Salt ...

onions, peppers and carrots be rearranged and cut into cubes. Brown the meat in a pan with oil and vegetable, and apologise for, add and sauté briefly with before the spices and garlic be turned in. Then add the peeled tomatoes, water, red wine vinegar and ho

Desserts (warm) Wheat flour Kakopulver Milk or water ...

put flour in and then kakopulver and then sigh and then water elle milk clear it together