Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Green lentils

Sauces Salt Oil Large onion ...

Chop well and pour golden oil into a pan. Stir well. Add tomato paste. Rinse the lenses and pour them into the pan. Mix it all with stirring. Sprinkle with salt. Add the water and let it boil. Let the simmer simmer for low heat for 30-40 minutes.

Mains Pepper Pepper Mill Salt ...

Sauce: Beetroot and mustard onion cut into smaller pieces and sautees. Then pour white wine vinegar on and boil completely. Then pour white wine and boil half in. Finally add the fish fund and boil still with scalding until 4 dl remains. The sauce is purified

Appetizers Tarteletter Beef heart Artichoke bottoms ...

The ox heart is cleansed for seniors. Cut the beef heart into strips and cook it tenderly. (Put a fork in the meat, when it does not leave it tender). The artichoke bases are boiled in water with a little salt and lemon juice for approx. 15-20 min. Boil the gr

Appetizers Shallots St. vanilla Curry ...

Ox heart roast with coarse salt and simmer for 24 hours. The curry oil is prepared. Scallops are sliced ​​in the tern and sautéed in a saucepan, add the curry and let it shake well. Add vanilla cans and oil. The salted beef heart is rinsed out of salt and cook

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

The lenses are rinsed thoroughly and put into cold water and boiled approx. 10 min. The lentils are rinsed again and put into the bouillon with laurel leaves, leeks, carrots and potatoes. Boil at low heat approx. 10-12 min or until all is tender. Season with s

Mains EVS. a little celery Curry Pepper ...

The lenses are rinsed thoroughly and cleaned for impurities. The onions are divided into quarters, carrots cut into slices, celery cut into large cubes. It's all put in a large pot with water just covering it all. Add laurel and add the other spices to taste.

Mains Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Preparation of the meat: Cut the meat in a large amount of approx. 4x4 cm. Bring it 2-3 times in warm nut brown butter and oil in a thickened pot. Pour the fat off. Season with salt and pepper. Add apple cheese and leaves of thyme. Let the meat cook under low

Mains EVS. 1-2 dl broth or red wine Parsley Cocktail sausages ...

Boiled veal with vegetables (1st day): Bring the veal into a pan and pour water on. Bring in the boil and foam free of impurities. Add salt and pepper and bay leaves. Let it cook under low for 1 hour. Serve the vegetables and chop them into chopped pieces, car