Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Green chili without seeds, chopped fine

Mains Coriander seeds come Oil Salt ...

Mix all spices except Laurel and dried fenugreek leaves-yoghurt together with horns salt and tomato puree. Chicken skinned and cut into 8 pieces, cut small incisions in pieces or prick them with a fork Came the carved chicken pieces in and mix thoroughly. Heat

Mains Coriander seeds come Oil Salt ...

Mix all spices except Laurel and dried fenugreek leaves-yoghurt together with horns salt and tomato puree. Came the carved chicken pieces in and mix thoroughly. Heat the butter and oil in a large pan and fry the onions until they are golden brown. Turn down th

Mains Coriander seeds come Oil Salt ...

Mix all spices except Laurel and dried fenugreek leaves-yoghurt together with horns salt and tomato puree. Chicken skinned and cut into 8 pieces, cut small incisions in pieces or prick them with a fork Came the carved chicken pieces in and mix thoroughly.