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Recipes with Cottage cheese

Mains Chili pepper strong Coarse salt Crushed garlic ...

Dough: Cut the butter into smaller pieces and crumble it in the flour. Add salt and cream fraich and collect the dough quickly. Or, do it all in the food processor. Put the dough covered in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Roll out the dough and put

Mains Tarragon Pepper Salt ...

Season the meat with the spices. Put some cottage cheese, freshly squeezed garlic and parsley on the meat slices. Fold them together and close them with a wooden stick. Step the steaks into the fat. Served with baked potatoes.

Bread, buns & biscuits A slightly sweet Sesame seeds Oil ...

Slowly milk the milk until it is lukewarm and mix with the oil. The yeast is crumbled and stirred into the liquid. Add cottage cheese, salt, if necessary. Some sweet, sesame seeds and most of the wheat flour. Spread the dough until it is smooth and smooth. Let

Lunch Tomatoes Cottage cheese Ham cubes ...

Mix cottage cheese, ham and tomato in a bowl, season with pepper and put it on rye bread. It tastes really good and is very saturated. You can combine with other vegetables, for example. Cucumber and peppers!

Salads Cucumber Egg yolk (pasteriuseret) Cottage cheese ...

Lay the cottage cheese on the finely sliced ​​salad and lay in the middle of the cottage cheese (so it looks like a mirror egg). Cut the cucumber into small tern and put sardines and cucumbers on the salad.

Lunch 2 x 30 g at grovbolle. Pepper Salt ...

Clean and rinse the red pepper and cut it into the tern. Clean the pores and cut it into thin slices. Bladeseller cut into thin slices. Mix it all in the cottage cheese and season with salt and pepper. Serve with coarse bulb

Lunch Curry Small fintsnittet fennel tuber (35 g) Lemon juice ...

Mix mangochutney and 1 tbsp. cottage cheese. Fold the balls and butter the mixture on the bottom and the bowls. Mix the rest of the cottage cheese with lemon juice and curry and turn it with cabbage, fennel and apple. Distribute the fill of the underballs. Put

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Stitching of beef steak fillet Turn on the oven to 250o and keep it warm. Put the steps in a greased, refractory dish that matches the size of the steps. Put the dish in the oven and brown the beef roast fillet for 10-15 minutes. Then season the steps with sa