Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cinnamon/cinnamon sugar

Desserts (warm) Lemon zest from lemon 1/2 Butter for frying Baking soda ...

Mix all the ingredients and whip them together with a hand mixer / elpisker. Put a small teaspoonful of butter on a hot forehead and pour a little of the dough on the forehead. You can either make small thick pancakes, or big thin. Look under the pancake, if

Desserts (warm) Butter for frying Water Wheat flour ...

Mix all the ingredients and whip it together with a hand mixer / elpisker. Put some butter on a hot forehead and pour it up. You can either make small thick pancakes, or big thin. Look under the pancake, if it is brown, turn it over. Take it off when it is br